Our Women in Black vigil is not a protest so much as it is a reminder of who and what has been lost. Mourning women are a powerful archetype in the cultural histories of many peoples, and when the grandmothers and mothers stand in remembrance of our dead, as women who mourn those fallen to acts of senseless violence, we carry a power of conscience that we hope will infuse the rhetoric and defuse the heat of our disagreements about how to heal the violence. Throughout and under all the talk, all the arguing, all the rage, we carry and bear witness to the memory of the dead.
Please dress in all black and join us in a silent vigil on Sundays, 1-2 pm, on the Canton Green in Canton, CT, beginning January 13, 2013 and every Sunday thereafter.
For information contact Jamieson at 860-693-9540 or send an email using the contact button on the menu bar. You may also contact Susan Jorgensen at 860-673-6645 and by sending an email to SJPresence[at]aol.com.
Women in Black is an international network of women dedicated to justice and peace. To learn more, visit their website.
To view our poster, click here.